PreferUS Healthcare

Nurse Leadership Training Deemed Successful


Dr. Dawna Cato, PhD., RN, presents certificates to the participants at the Yinchuan Guolong Hospital

On December 17-19, 2018, PreferUS Vice President of Clinical Care Services, Dr. Dawna Cato, PhD, RN, traveled to the Yinchuan Guolong Hospital, where she held a special workshop focused on nursing team leadership. Dr. Cato presented on an array of topics that explained the challenges of assuming a new role and the responsibilities that a head nurse acquires while adhering to the hospital’s vision and fundamental objectives.

Using several clinical examples combined with tools used throughout the American hospital system, Dr. Cato taught the nurses how to use clear boundaries, multi-dimensional communication and the importance of having the right attitude to become an effective nurse leader. Dr. Cato emphasized that each nurse must identify their goals and design a plan of action while incorporating their responsibilities into their work requirements.

At the conclusion of the 3-day workshop, each participant was presented with a certificate by Dr. Cato on behalf of the Department of Nursing. Dr. Cato expressed her appreciation for all of the participants saying, “After 3 days of nurse leadership training, we unified the pace and standards and laid a good foundation for carrying out our work in the new hospital. I cannot wait to see our nursing team undergo a complete change in 2019.” All of the participants agreed that the high-level of practical training will help nursing managers change their approach to patient care and implement new methods taught during the workshop.